programs Education

Youth Are Our Future

12502 Seattle Slew Drive Apt. 1606
Houston, Texas 77065
Phone: 315-876-8364
Email: [email protected]

The Filipino Young Professionals of Houston awards three (3) students $2000 each for their community service to Houston every year. You do NOT need to be Filipino to apply, but you must be interested in Volunteering with a Filipino organization or be willing to volunteer. There are several opportunities available to meet the requirement.

Eligibility: Students who are either have graduated from a high school and/or are studying in a current institution within Upper Gulf counties (comprising these counties: Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Colorado, Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Liberty, Matagorda, Montgomery, Walker, Waller, Wharton) that are either of Filipino descent and/or Volunteering events are on our website.

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